Bear Clifton

Bear Clifton

Bear Clifton

Bear is a 25-year pastor with experience leading churches from as far afield as London, England to southern New England, and most recently Los Angeles, where he just completed a multi-year sabbatical, writing in Hollywood.

Married for 30+ years to his college sweetheart Janis, with a daughter Hannah (serving the Lord in Hollywood, CA), Bear’s books, blogs and screenplays can be enjoyed at his ministry website:  and his writing website:

Bear and Janis are thrilled to be serving the Lord back on the East Coast. “BridgeWay is a dynamic congregation, just bursting at the seams with passion and potential,” says Bear. “I can’t wait to see what Jesus is going to do with us, and in us, in coming days.”

Check out our People page to learn more about the individuals that comprise our Leadership Team.

Elder and Service Coordinator
Sherri Bankston