A Message From Our BridgeKids Leader

A Message From Our BridgeKids Leader

Imagine driving to church at breakneck speed so you’re not late again, and you have just enough time to grab a paper wrist band for your child to attend BridgeKids. But wait!!! The check-in table is not set up…the classroom dividers are still rolled up into one big, giant tube…the entire area is in disarray with carpets still on carts and tables locked up tight. How could this happen?

Well, it can happen when we don’t have any volunteers for that Sunday to help set up the BridgeKids area. This means that all ages stay with parents during the service…which also affects those who don’t have children because, as much as you love Family Sunday, it’s nice that it only comes 4 times a year.

Please, don’t let this happen, consider volunteering one Sunday a month or even one Sunday every other month to help unload the children’s trailer and put our BK area together to welcome regular attenders as well as guests.

Sure it means coming to church by 7:30 AM. Sure it means getting a little sweaty before service begins. Sure it means enjoying fellowship and friendship with all the other people who faithfully come early every Sunday to set up worship or put the welcome banners up. And it also means I, 63 year old Carol Daniel, don’t have to haul heavy equipment around when I could be spending time with the children or the teaching staff as my job description indicates. I will truly appreciate your help. Contact me at bridgekids@bridgeway-church.org, or fill out your contact information on the connect card this Sunday. I know you will be richly blessed for your service to the King’s kids!