Sermons – Podcasts

No time to watch a full message? enjoy these shorter clips.

What Is ‘Gospel Thinking’?

Gospel Thinking - Part 1
Gospel Thinking - Part 2
Gospel Thinking - Part 3
Gospel Thinking - Part 4

Clips From "How Easter Can Change Your Life"

I've Been Bought At A Price
Why The Resurrection matters
Easter Proves you Should Exercise
The Viral Spread of the church
The Bema Factor Should Matter To You
Man Does Not Live By Principles Alone

Clips From Past Messages

6 Proofs for Christ's Supremacy
How Can We Have Hope?
3 Worldviews Clashing For Your Soul
Worship Before And After Covid-19
You May Be An American But You have a King
The Importance Of Knowing Prophecy
Eleanor's Point Total
Tahani Learns Her Motivation
Does Peace Go Up When You go In?
Check Your Motivation At The Door
What If Our Church Wasn't Here?
Throw A Bucket Of Grace On Someone
How Memory Work Ennobles Us
How Acting Out Shakespeare Helps You
How Memory Work Sharpens Your Thinking
Arguments for Believing In God's Word
Jesus Is Like Yosemite
How Jesus Defeated Temptation And You Can Too
What If They Outlawed Bibles?
How Biblical Illiteracy harms You
How An Atheist Made My Faith Stronger
QT Tips: Making Observations
QT Tips: How To Interpret Scripture
Don't Be A Spiritual Valley Girl
QT Tips: Enter The Chamber With Chambers
QT Tips: What Books Should I Read First?
QT Tips: Take Flyovers At First (And Pray!) A 2-Minute Look
What 40 Years Of Quiet Times Looks Like
If You Want To Become A Deeper Thinker, Do This
You & Me Are Acts 29
My Buddy Paul Loves The Lost
Christian Sensi-tivity Training
Level 1 Evangelism: Sharing Stories
Level 2 Evange-lism: Explain The Gospel
level 3 Evange-lism: Sound-Bite Training-
Spiritual Growth, Matrix-Style
2 Ways To Know If You're A Spiritual Baby
Can BridgeWay Become A Teaching Center?
How God Removes Our Dragon Skin
Here's A Way To Fight Off Fear & Worry
We Need Teaching 'Cuz We All Begin As Babies