Men's Ministry

Men face unique struggles. In today's world, they are left to largely figure life out on their own. We want to see men equipped to lead in their home, family, church, and community as Christ-followers. We work to be a place where life's issues can be figured out and dealt with. 

Men of BridgeWay is a place to connect with other men of in our local body of Christ, to share news and what is going on in each others lives as we carry out the work God has called us all to do, be it at home, church, in the work place, or the ends of the earth.

Men's Breakfast

The second Saturday morning of each month will be set aside to gather together around a meal, have a time of reflection and fellowship in support of our “Growing the Body” part of BridgeWay’s mission statement. The breakfasts will be held at the church office.
We’ll start at 8, cooking the food together.  There will be eggs, bacon, and pancakes at the least.  If you have anything to add to the meal, feel free to bring it, there will be room on the griddle.  
Starting around 9:30, we’ll have a study (volunteers to lead, anyone?), or just a time of going around the room for prayer requests/praises.  After prayer time, the plan is to end around 11.
Bring a friend or neighbor!


BridgeWay Men is a place to connect with other men of BridgeWay, to share news and what is going on in each others lives as we carry out the work God has called us all to do, be it at home, church, in the work place, or the ends of the earth.

Want to Learn More about Men's Ministry?