• 45662 Schooner
    Ct Great Mills MD 20634

  • Rachel Hess’ Home

Women’s Bible Study (Morning)

It’s time for another women’s Bible Study! The morning study will be meeting every Thursday from 9-11 am (or whenever you can get there after dropping kids off at school).

We are going to meet at Rachel’s house! There will also be an option to join the study using Google Meet if you are not ready/able to meet in-person. Children are welcome to come to the study. The Worth kiddos have volunteered to serve by keeping an eye on the little friends during the study. Also all women are welcome, not just those who attend BridgeWay, invite your friends or neighbors we’d love to have them join!!

This spring, we will be studying Priscilla Shirer’s study called Elijah: Faith and Fire

  We look forward to seeing you soon!

Links to purchase:
Lifeway: https://www.lifeway.com/en/product/elijah-bible-study-book-P005826639
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Elijah-Bible-Study-Book-Faith/dp/1087715423