How To Stay Cool (And Honor Christ) In A Heated Election Season: Practice The Ten Disciplines

We find ourselves in the middle of July, but summer’s not the only thing that’s heating up . We are now hot and heavy in the thick of a contentious national election. The recent assassination attempt on former President Trump is a chilling reminder how toxic the political atmosphere has become in our country.

To say that politics is an area that doesn’t always bring the best out of us as citizens, even for Christians, is an understatement.

So what can a follower of Christ do to be both a faithful disciple and a good citizen in the 2024 election?

Last year, BridgeWay partnered with a Christian advocacy group called the AND Campaign ( whose mission is to help churches honor Christ in the way they exercise their political and civic stewardship.

Last fall we first hosted a discussion group around the book “Compassion and Conviction”, co-authored by Justin Giboney, one of the founders of the AND Campaign. This short, power-packed book is one of the single-best resources you’ll find to help you develop a balanced Christian worldview when it comes to faith and politics.

Then in November, Justin spent a special Sunday with us at BridgeWay, where he preached (view his sermon here), then offered a training Q&A for us (here). It was an unforgettable weekend.

Another beneficial resource the AND Campaign released this year – to help promote what they call “Civic Revival” – is a statement they call the “Ten Disciplines”. Each of these disciplines provides a concrete and Christlike way to live out your faith in your political engagements and conversations.

Between now and November, we’re going to share articles and devotions through our website and newsletter  that track with these Ten Disciplines.

So what can you do specifically to clear your soul of some of the political toxicity that we breathe in everyday, while training yourself to exercise healthier “political discipleship”? Here are some solid steps to take:

  1. Download a copy of the Ten Disciplines (here) to place in your Bible or quiet time notebook or post on your fridge, then regularly read through the Disciplines and the Scriptures that support them.
  2. Stay up to speed with the blogs and devotions we’ll be providing.
  3. Read, or re-read, “Compassion and Conviction”, and review Justin’s sermon and the Q&A session we enjoyed with him.
  4. Go to the AND Campaign’s website  and sign up for their Civic Revival campaign. Peruse through their website and familiarize yourself with their message and work.
  5. Incorporate into your prayers consistent intercession for our country over the next few months.
  6. If you’re part of a Life Group (what we call our community groups that meet in homes) use the Ten Disciplines as an element in their meetings.