How To Be A Christian During The Election – Get Involved

During this election season, BridgeWay is partnering with the AND Campaign to help promote “civic revival” in our congregation and community. How do we do this? One way is by committing ourselves to practice the “10 Disciplines”, a biblical resource the AND Campaign has created to guide Christians in their political interactions. Discipline #9 is “Get Involved”.

Caroline Shadforth, who helps lead BridgeWay’s Missions team, wrote the following devotion to share what that means to her:

One of my favorite parts of being on the Missions Team is witnessing how God uses our church family and friends to serve. Recently, I spoke with Mark Green on his passion for the organization, Sleep in Heavenly Peace. Anyone who has heard Mark speak feels inspired by his testimony and chances are, you’ve been blessed by his actions too! Listen to his servant heart:

“Serving our community through SHP has a powerful impact on my life. I’m now a core member of the team which basically means I no longer sign up, I just show up to serve all the aspects of this program with the team. I love, love, love it. The reward of witnessing the smiles on those children’s faces when they see their own new beds all made up is priceless, and it warms my heart. This new blood of Jesus that was given to me flows through my body and it has given me a purpose.

As I discover my ‘S-H-A-P-E”, I know my strongest ‘S’piritual gift is ‘serving’. I serve because I love Jesus for the new blood that was given to me. This blood is not a typical type. It is type C for Christlikeness which is a key element to Pastor Bear’s KFC ( growing in knowledge, fruitfulness, and Christlikeness). I look forward to serving in my church, as well as continuing to serve our community through CIA, SHP, and anything else our Lord leads me to. Serving not only has an impact on your life, it has an impact on everyone’s life! Once again, Gods ways are amazing…the kingdom of Heaven brought to Earth through the love of serving!”

Sherri Bankston puts James 1:22 in action by pouring into her children’s homeschooling community. Sherri expressed the following insight with us:

“Parenting is one of God’s biggest callings to ministry. God trusts us to care for and raise our children in a way that glorifies and honors Him. It is a full time job! Nothing will sharpen you in your faith more than parenting and marriage (in my opinion). In our family, part of that calling includes homeschooling our children. We believe that the purpose of education is to know God and to make Him known to others. We believe that responsibility falls on the family with support from fellow believers.

For us, part of that path led us to being part of a community that supports us spiritually, professionally, and physically. It gives us accountability and challenges us to wrestle with truth, goodness, and beauty. What started out for me as a former public school teacher looking for enrichment for my eager four year old has become a growing path lasting twelve years and counting with great knowledge, sacrifice, blessings, and humility.

On the hardest of days, and there are many, I know that God is by my side and has given me a great team of believers to support my every effort. I have to remind myself often that it’s not about me and to do it as if I am serving Him. I am beyond grateful for what this ministry and educational path has done for our family.”

How are you a doer of the word? This season is the perfect time for us to reflect on Discipline 9 and get involved. As always, the Missions Team would love for you to serve alongside us too! As Ephesians tells us, we aren’t saved because of good works, but FOR good works! Amen.