How To Be Christian During The Election: Have An Affirmative Posture

During this election season, BridgeWay is partnering with the AND Campaign to help promote “civic revival” in our congregation and community. How do we do this? One way is by committing ourselves to practice the “10 Disciplines”, a biblical resource the AND Campaign has created to guide Christians in their political interactions. Discipline #6 is “Have An Affirmative Posture”: meaning, we must ensure the posture of our biblical faith is not reactionary, but proactive.

Caroline Shadforth, who helps lead BridgeWay’s Missions team, wrote the following devotion about what this discipline means to her.

by Caroline Shadforth

As a mother and teacher, I have learned it is far more effective to tell children what to do instead of what NOT to do.  The same applies to our faith journeys.  The Bible gives us clear instructions in Micah 6:8, “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.  And what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God.” 

The scriptures provide a vivid description of an affirming posture.  Regardless of political affiliation, we all best serve the Lord in affirming our faith daily in and out of election season.  Are we showing grace and mercy in our homes, our workplaces, and our places of worship?  Are we prepared to exercise these spiritual gifts during a charged Presidential campaign?  Whoever wins in November, let us never forget the affirming, loving posture of Christ is what sets His people apart. 

What does this mean for us as Christians?  We should frequently examine our motives. Are we having God-centered or ego-driven discussions and responses?  Are we allowing Jesus to guide us with humble hearts? Let us put on Christ’s loving posture for the benefit of His kingdom.  We will then experience many blessed encounters and set godly examples for one another along the way!